wild limb studios, pt 1: smith island cake
I got to do a photo shoot this week! A cake shoot. My cakes got shot. It was with a camera, but the whole time I couldn't help but imagine how fun it would be to send a flying bullet through them and watch crumbs and fruit and chocolate explode everywhere. Maybe next time.
My sis and her hon operate a newly-renovated warehouse studio in the heart of Baltimore, called Wild Limb Studios. I helped with a bit of painting; they graced me with photography. They're wonderful people with lots of talent, out to help the corporate and the creative frame their craft accurately and beautifully. Hit 'em up (see below). We had a great day together, snapping and drooling and tasting little by little. That's the benefit of a food shoot, I suppose. Instant gratification.
I'm featuring four individual cakes, some with more attitude than others (admittedly, they all were incredibly stubborn in the baking process). The first, and certainly most finicky, is the Maryland classic: Smith Island Cake. It's 8-12 individually baked layers of vanilla cake, sandwiched by and coated with a cooked fudge icing. I've always wanted to make it, though I've never actually eaten it before. It's cozy and decadent and nostalgic for an age of cake that boasts no fancy ingredients or methods. Rather, just time and care and a whole lotta love... And maybe some curses along the way. But what's a good cake without that, eh?
Mega thank-yous to Abby & Brendan of Wild Limb Studios. See their personal work on Instagram: @wildlimb & @idlehourbaltimore. And a huge thanks to Suz for her artist eye, excellent tasting skills, and constant encouragement.