Posts in Breakfast
my favorite baked apple cinnamon oatmeal

THEY HAVE ARRIVED. The days that we've all been waiting for. Or at least me.

Cloud-covered skies, consistent breeze running through my hair, sporadic rain. Gourds and pumpkins and pops of orange everywhere. Whispers of autumnal festivities and dinner parties and gatherings. As with the change of every season, this is the time when we gather together, when we commune to express our gratitude and celebrate the newness. My wardrobe changes to black and gray and brown and oxblood. During this season I just can't hide my excitement. I think there's a consistent glimmer in my eyes, a subtle, never-ending grin on my lips. I can't make it go away, and I don't want to.

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Breakfast, Fruitellyn hopperComment
normal morning yogurt

I don't even know what to say anymore.

So much. So much has changed, so much going on. I hardly know how to sort my thoughts, which emotions to believe, what words to speak. I just want to get back to the baseline, I think.

My husband is out of town for work this week, and I think the strange hiatus has given me some space to sort. Don't get me wrong, I miss him like all get out and I can't wait for his return. But I think the timing of this is quite important. As I've been thinking, processing, journaling, spending time alone, I've reflected. And the fact that has shown its face is that this year has been the most different and perhaps difficult of all.

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morning eggs

Spring is finally here. We're faced with sporadic weather, changing by the week. Sneezing noses are all the rage. All of the sudden I'm remembering what humidity is like. And for all these things, I couldn't be happier.

Spring really is rebirth. It's new life. It's the birds in my backyard that literally shout across the trees every morning. It's the flowers on my table and the breeze that brushes my back. This winter has felt long, longer than usual. I think all the transitions and changes that have taken place this year have caused all aspects of my life to be drug out in their intensity. And now that spring has come, it really, truly feels like the first time in my life that I've smelled these aromas and heard these songs. I had forgotten that this would, actually, come again, that we wouldn't stay in short days and cold nights forever. All of the sudden this beauty is hitting me like a gust of wind on my face, forcing my eyes opening and rushing air through my nose and my mouth, renewing my sight and my lungs. And all of the sudden my heart is softened, my understanding is more tender, my gratitude explodes. "Thank you, thank you for beauty and gifts and new life."

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hearty blueberry muffins

It's about blueberries again.

If you're not a blueberry lover, I'm terribly sorry. Typically I do enjoy blueberries, but this summer I'm seeming to love them more than ever. Or maybe it's just that I'm finally starting to tackle some recipes that I've wanted to perfect for a long time but have never attended to. Whatever it is, I'm feelin the blues these days.

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